Autistic Tertiary Learners Survey

A decorative stock image shows a group of students studying.

A decorative stock image shows a group of students studying.

Experiences of autistic people and their family/whānau in the Aotearoa New Zealand tertiary education system.

You are invited to participate in a short research survey from Altogether Autism, to assist in the selection of topics for a set of guidelines. These guidelines will help learning staff at tertiary education organisations to understand what autistic learners need from them, to support their educational journey.

This research has been commissioned by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC).

A tertiary education organisation is any organisation that supplies tertiary education and or training and or assessment services. This can include:

  • Te Pūkenga (New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology)
  • Transitional Industry Training Organisations (TITOs)
  • Universities
  • Wānanga
  • Private training establishments

There are two surveys, one for autistic learners and one for the family/whānau of autistic learners.

Please complete the survey that you most identify with.


Survey for autistic learners

We are interested in your experiences if you

  1. identify as or are diagnosed as autistic and
  2. have experience of tertiary education at any level, completed or not completed.

We have developed a survey for this group and invite you to participate or share this survey with interested autistic learners.

Follow this link to the survey for autistic learners.


Survey for the family/whānau of autistic learners

We are interested in the experiences of family/whānau in supporting autistic learners who have experience of tertiary education at any level, completed or not completed.

We have developed a survey for this group and invite you to participate or to share this survey with other interested family/whānau.

Follow this link to the survey for the family/whānau of autistic learners.


Survey for organisations

Tertiary education providers that are willing to partake in the study, follow this link.


The findings of this survey will contribute to understanding the tertiary education experience of autistic learners and how we can best develop guidance documents for tertiary educators.

Your answers will be completely anonymous and analysed in combination with other responses.


The surveys will close on Monday 28 February.

If you want to know more about this survey or have any questions, please contact Joanne Lawless at .


Need More Information?

We are autism specialists and can provide you with trusted information for free. Our research and information team are available to answer any questions you have about autism.

Ask us a question