On 21 March 2020, Aotearoa entered a situation no one had ever encountered, or imagined, before. We were suddenly at Level 2 of a new pandemic alert response system, due to the outbreak of Covid-19.
Four days later, we were at Level 4 of the alert system; a full Lockdown confining people to their home bubble.
For disabled and autistic people and their family/whānau sudden adjustment can require significant organisation and disruption.
Our book, Life in a Pandemic, captures a snapshot in time for people living with a disability and/or autism. It shows the resilience, strength and love of all those involved. Wherever possible the story has been told in the words of the person involved.
We interviewed people from Auckland down to Christchurch. Those involved were asked to share what Lockdown was like for them and their life.
Our skilled writers Mary Anne Gill, Hayley Redpath, Kristine Walsh and Juliet Young captured the essence of what mattered while our photographers Alan Gibson, Jeff McEwan and Shannon Beynon shot stunning images and video. Our graphic designer provided a design which in its simplicity is very powerful.
Life in a Pandemic, published by Life Unlimited Charitable Trust, was launched in Wellington on Thursday 17 September. Read more.
Megan Thomas, Chief Executive, Your Way | Kia Roha (Formerly Life Unlimited).